Saltchuk Leaders Connect to Make Dreams Come True

March 14, 2023

Tim Nolan, president & CEO of TOTE Group, has served as president of the Dreams Come True Jacksonville Board of Directors for the past two years. Last summer, he learned that a local seventeen-year-old “dreamer” named Pierce, who’d spent years battling lymphoblastic leukemia, had asked for a fishing trip to Hawaii with his parents.

Nolan reached out to fellow Saltchuk leaders Bert Valdman, president of NorthStar Energy, and Jason Childs, president of Saltchuk Marine, to see if either had any connections via their Hawaiian operating companies that might help offset the cost of the trip.

“Both jumped on the opportunity, and it wasn’t long before Pierce had two deep-sea fishing trips booked free of charge,” Nolan said, one coordinated by Kimo Haynes, president of Hawaii Petroleum, and one by Jay Ana, president of Young Brothers.

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